

    Wednesday 16 July 2021

    Raw Organic | Halloumi salad with grilled peach

    With a very special dressing, based on kelp! Kelp? Kelp is actually a seaweed, you can think of it as a kind of subgroup. Kelp is full of antioxidants, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and E. So it's not wrong to add it to a smoothie, salad dressing or just add a little powder to your yogurt bowl.

    INGREDIENTS (2 people)

    • 150 grams of chickpeas
    • 225 grams of halloumi
    • about 10 green asparagus
    • 2 peaches
    • 75 grams of lamb's lettuce
    • C.a. 2 tablespoons capers
    Needed: grill pan or appliance

    • 2 tbsp tahini
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 1 tsp RAW Kelp

    Preparation method (30 minutes)

    1. Cut the peaches into wedges, the halloumi into thin slices and the asparagus into pieces of about 3 centimeters.
    2. Heat the grill pan or your appliance and start grilling the peaches. You do this without using oil. Grill the peaches for about 2 minutes per side until nice stripes form on both sides.
    3. Meanwhile, rinse the chickpeas in a colander and drain well.
    4. When the peaches are ready, start grilling the asparagus. Put this in a little bit of olive oil and add some salt and pepper to taste if needed. You also grill the asparagus for about 2 minutes per side.
    5. Finally, grill the halloumi. This can be done in the same pan as the asparagus and you don't have to add new oil. Grill the halloumi until they turn a nice golden brown.
    6. Meanwhile, mix the ingredients for the dressing until you have a nice smooth dressing.
    7. Place all ingredients in a large salad bowl and serve with the dressing. Before serving, it is nice to cut the halloumi and peaches a little finer.


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